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5. Avoidance
"Just do it!"
-- Nike
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This quiz is "open book." You may refer to the Video & Notes.
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1. Most people can NOT get themselves to do the things that they know they should be doing, because they are just NOT motivated.
A. True
B. False
1. The correct answer is:
2. All behavior is operative. You are either motivated to do something, or you are motivated to avoid doing something.
A. True
B. False
2. The correct answer is:
3. Typical things that most people are motivated to avoid include:
A. Eating healthfully
B. Exercising
C. Cleaning & Organizing
D. Doing "non-preferred" tasks
E. Having difficult conversations
F. Working out a conflict
Mark all that apply.
3. The correct answer is:
A - F
4. What is the healthy replacement behavior for avoidance?
A. Denial
B. Procrastination
C. Action
4. The correct answer is:
5. Getting the things done that you know should be done pays huge dividends.
A. True
B. False
5. The correct answer is:
6. Humans do what they do because:
A. They are genetically programmed.
B. They are biologically driven.
C. They are environmentally influenced.
D. They can act on their free-will.
Choose the best answer.
6. The correct answer is:
7. Which of the following are examples of Dialectrical (Opposite) Behavior Therapy?
A. Feel like eating ice cream - Go for a walk
B. Feel like gambling - Go to the casino
C. Feel like a shopping spree - Volunteer for the homeless
D. Feel like isolating - Play video games by yourself
Mark all that apply.
7. The correct answer is:
A & C
8. Not using your free-will is like being given a present and never opening it.
A. True
B. False
8. The correct answer is:
9. Which of the following are key points for training your free-will to initiate more positive actions?
A. Determine to "Just do it!"
B. Make a list of the things you know you should do.
C. Experiment with your free-will to get those things done.
D. Act on what you know is right.
E. Feel good about yourself when you get something done.
F. Thank God for His empowering grace.
Mark all that apply.
9. The correct answer is:
A - F
You may check and correct your answers before submitting.