Quiz 6
Chapter 6: Teaching Health Principles
Q1: In many lands (countries) medical missions are to be established to act as God's helping hand in ministering to the afflicted.
A. True
B. False
Q1: In many lands (countries) medical missions are to be established to act as God's helping hand in ministering to the afflicted.
A. True
B. False
Q2: Wherever the truth is carried, the people should be given instruction in regard to:
A. The preparation of healthful foods.
B. Using healthy products they can raise or readily obtain.
C. Co-operating with God in restoring in themselves His image.
D. All of the above.
A. The preparation of healthful foods.
B. Using healthy products they can raise or readily obtain.
C. Co-operating with God in restoring in themselves His image.
D. All of the above.
Q3: True religion and _____________ go hand in hand.
A. Low Standards
B. The Laws of Health
C. Worldly Education
Q4: It is impossible to work for the salvation of men and women without presenting to them the need of breaking away from sinful gratifications, which destroy the health, debase the soul, and prevent divine truth from impressing the mind.
A. True
B. False
A. Low Standards
B. The Laws of Health
C. Worldly Education
Q4: It is impossible to work for the salvation of men and women without presenting to them the need of breaking away from sinful gratifications, which destroy the health, debase the soul, and prevent divine truth from impressing the mind.
A. True
B. False
Q5: Your habits of diet greatly affect your:
A. Health
B. Character
C. Usefulness
D. Salvation
E. All of the above.
A. Health
B. Character
C. Usefulness
D. Salvation
E. All of the above.
Q6: Thousands need and would gladly receive instruction concerning the simple methods of treating the sick -- methods that are taking the place of the use of poisonous drugs. There is great need of instruction in regard to diet reform.
A. True
B. False
Q7: Wrong habits of eating and the use of unhealthful food are in no small degree responsible for the intemperance and crime and wretchedness that curse the world.
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
Q7: Wrong habits of eating and the use of unhealthful food are in no small degree responsible for the intemperance and crime and wretchedness that curse the world.
A. True
B. False
Q8: God designs that the great subject of health reform shall be agitated, and the public mind deeply stirred to investigate; because it is impossible for men and women, with all their sinful, health-destroying, brain-enervating habits, to discern sacred truth, through which they are to be sanctified, refined, elevated, and made fit for the society of heavenly angels in the kingdom of glory.
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
Q9: How many will be rescued from physical, mental, and moral degeneracy through the practical influence of health reform?
A. Only a few
B. Some
C. Many
D. Many, many
A. Only a few
B. Some
C. Many
D. Many, many
Q10: Your health is not related to your happiness.
A. True
B. False
Q11: How many know about the structure and functions of their own bodies, and of nature's laws for keeping their bodies in a healthy condition and preventing disease?
A. Only a few
B. Some
C. Many
D. Many, many
A. True
B. False
Q11: How many know about the structure and functions of their own bodies, and of nature's laws for keeping their bodies in a healthy condition and preventing disease?
A. Only a few
B. Some
C. Many
D. Many, many
Q12: Who are to be represented to the world by the advance principles of health reform which God has given?
A. Health Professionals.
B. Christians.
C. Seventh-day Adventists.
A. Health Professionals.
B. Christians.
C. Seventh-day Adventists.
Q13: Jesus Christ is the Great Healer, and his healing comes:
A. By praying for a miracle.
B. By living in conformity with His moral and health laws.
Q14: Combined with the work of healing there must be an imparting of knowledge of all of the following EXCEPT:
A. How to take the right herbs in the right amount and combination at the right time.
B. How to accept personal responsibility.
C. How to resist temptations.
D. How to work in harmony with the God of truth.
A. By praying for a miracle.
B. By living in conformity with His moral and health laws.
Q14: Combined with the work of healing there must be an imparting of knowledge of all of the following EXCEPT:
A. How to take the right herbs in the right amount and combination at the right time.
B. How to accept personal responsibility.
C. How to resist temptations.
D. How to work in harmony with the God of truth.
Q15: God will not work in a miraculous manner to preserve the health of persons who are taking a sure course to make themselves sick, by their careless inattention to the laws of health.
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
Q16: The question of diet is not of sufficient importance to be included in our evangelistic work.
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
Q17: In professing to be a health reformer, you should, for this very reason, become:
A. A good cook of healthy, palatable (tasty) meals.
B. An extremist in diet and food preparation.
C. A champion in long-term fasting.
A. A good cook of healthy, palatable (tasty) meals.
B. An extremist in diet and food preparation.
C. A champion in long-term fasting.
Q18: Instruction in the simple arts of cooking wholesome meals should never be done "house-to-house."
A. True
B. False
Q19: While holding true to healthy and godly principles and standards, Seventh-day Adventists should not try to see how different they can be from others, but rather how near they can come to those whom they wish to influence.
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
Q19: While holding true to healthy and godly principles and standards, Seventh-day Adventists should not try to see how different they can be from others, but rather how near they can come to those whom they wish to influence.
A. True
B. False
Q20: Regarding personal health practices, it is important to be firm and decided in standing for the right, to not swerve from principle, while at the same time to manifest:
A. A total disgust for people who have unhealthy lifestyles.
B. A noble, Christlike patience.
A. A total disgust for people who have unhealthy lifestyles.
B. A noble, Christlike patience.