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1. Criticism
"He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help."
-- Abraham Lincoln
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1. How many times does a child in an average home hear the word "No" from his/her parents between 0 and 18 years of age?
A. 98,000 times
B. 128,000 times
C. 148,000 times
1. The correct answer is:
2. What percent of interactions between elementary teachers and students is negative?
A. 25%
B. 45%
C. 75%
2. The correct answer is:
3. Humans are by nature (and by nurture) negatively or "problem" focused.
A. True
B. False
3. The correct answer is:
4. Growing up in an environment of criticism is associated with increased rates of:
A. Depression
B. Drug Addiction
C. Mental Disorders
D. Suicide
Mark all that apply.
4. The correct answer is:
A, B, C, D
5. Criticism, even in the form of reason and critical thinking, does NOT serve a valuable function.
A. True
B. False
5. The correct answer is:
6. What is the healthy replacement behavior for criticism?
A. Silence
B. Flattery
C. Affirmation
6. The correct answer is:
7. Growing up in an affirming environment is associated with:
A. Higher levels of self-esteem
B. Healthier relationships
C. Improved teamwork
D. Increased productivity
Mark all that apply.
7. The correct answer is:
A, B, C, D
8. Which of the following are key points for "taming the criticism beast"?
A. Try a 2-week criticism "fast"
B. If you like to criticize -- DON'T
C. Criticize only to help
D. Criticize kindly
E. Criticize eyeball-to-eyeball
F. Beware of gossip and cyper-criticism
G. Learn to serve your criticism in an "Affirmation Sandwich"
Mark all that apply.
8. The correct answer is:
A - G
9. Which of the following are key points for learning the skill of affirmation?
A. Be genuine
B. Be intentional
C. Be pro-active
D. Be direct
E. Be timely
Mark all that apply.
9. The correct answer is:
A - E
10. How many affirmations do you need to give for every criticism in order to protect against the potential damage that can be done?
A. 1:1
B. 3:1
C. 5:1
# Affirmations : # Criticisms
10. The correct answer is:
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