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6. Emotionalism
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This quiz is "open book." You may refer to the Video & Notes.
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1. Emotionalism can be described as "living by our feelings."
A. True
B. False
1. The correct answer is:
2. Emotional reasoning is based on the belief that if I feel a certain way about something, it must be so.
A. True
B. False
2. The correct answer is:
3. In which of the following ways should we treat our feelings/emotions like our 2-year-old?
A. We should value them.
B. We should listen to them.
C. We should regulate them.
Mark all that apply.
3. The correct answer is:
A, B, C
4. What is the healthy replacement behavior for emotionalism?
A. Living for Pleasure
B. Living through Force
C. Living by Principle
4. The correct answer is:
5. The concept of "If we live (think and act) by our principles, even if we have to think and act on faith that it is the right thing to do, our emotions will eventually align with our principles, and as a result, we will feel and function better" can be summarized by which of the following phrases?
A. Fake it, until you make it.
B. Faith it, until you make it.
C. Forget about it!
5. The correct answer is:
6. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy asserts that by changing your thoughts and actions you can change your emotions.
A. True
B. False
6. The correct answer is:
7. Which of the following are common distorted styles of thinking?
A. Catastrophizing - Making things worse than they are.
B. Mind Reading - Believing you know what people think.
C. Negative Filtering - Focusing on the negative.
D. Over Generalizing - Letting one thing define the whole.
E. Dichotomous Thinking - Black or White, Right or Wrong.
F. Should's - Demanding what should be, instead of accepting what is.
G. Personalizing - Taking responsibility for others' mistakes.
H. Blaming - Blaming others for your mistakes.
I. Unfair Comparisons - Comparing yourself to others in order to feel better or worse.
Mark all that apply.
7. The correct answer is:
A - I
8. By learning how to replace our distorted styles of thinking with healthy balanced thinking, we can perceive the truth better and manage our emotions more appropriatey.
A. True
B. False
8. The correct answer is:
You may check and correct your answers before submitting.