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1. Escalation
"Be angry, but sin not."
-- Ephesians 4:26
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1. Anger escalation is the same as exasperation or frustration.
A. True
B. False
1. The correct answer is:
2. Anger produces stress hormones that can be metabolized away only through:
A. Mental Imagery
B. Verbal Rantings
C. Physical Exercise
2. The correct answer is:
3. When people express anger inappropriately it actually deepens the feelings of anger.
A. True
B. False
3. The correct answer is:
4. When people express anger inappropriately it damages the relationship.
A. True
B. False
4. The correct answer is:
5. A common source of anger is:
A. Not always being treated well
B. Not being able to control how others treat you
C. Unrealistic Expectations
5. The correct answer is:
6. Baseline hostility levels (tendancies toward anger) are a better predictor of heart disease than:
A. Smoking
B. Obesity
C. High Blood Pressure
D. High Cholesterol
Mark all that apply.
6. The correct answer is:
A, B, C, D
7. If anger is consistently expressed in a constructive manner, as opposed to a destructive manner, the harmful effects on health (and the damage to relationships) are NOT inflicted.
A. True
B. False
7. The correct answer is:
8. Escalation to anger is usually through:
A. Careful Planning
B. Negative Forces of Karma
C. Demonic Possession
D. Reactive Cycles (It takes two to tango.)
8. The correct answer is:
9. The "way out" of a reactive cycle is:
A. Up
B. Down
C. Sideways
9. The correct answer is:
10. Praying for a "miracle" when things start to escalate could focus on which of the following?
A. Help me to not react emotionally
B. Help me to just walk away
C. Help me to respond conscientiously
D. Help me to be kind, patient, and understanding
E. Help me win this argument
Mark all that apply.
10. The correct answer is:
A, B, C, D
11. The healthy replacement behavior for escalation is:
A. Scorekeeping
B. Confusion
C. Acceleration
D. Time Out
11. The correct answer is:
12. The healthiest marriages are NOT the ones in which the individuals never argue. They are the ones where the individuals know when to back out of an argument.
A. True
B. False
12. The correct answer is:
13. An effective Anger Management program would include:
A. Daily Exercise
B. Adequate Rest
C. Proper Nutrition
D. Sunlight, Air, Water
E. Trust (in Divine Power)
F. Temperance (Self-Control)
Mark all that apply.
13. The correct answer is:
A - F
14. Which of the following are key points for de-escalating a tense situation?
A. Agree ahead of time that you can always call a "Time Out"
B. Honor other people's right to call a "Time Out"
C. When a "Time Out" is called, immediately schedule an appointment when the problem can be addressed calmly
D. Keep the appointment and resolve the problem in a non-escalated state
Mark all that apply.
14. The correct answer is:
A, B, C, D
15. Calling "Time Out"s will help avoid damages to your relationships.
A. True
B. False
15. The correct answer is:
16. Resolving problems in a mutually cooperative and understanding way will help build a stronger, more valued relationship.
A. True
B. False
16. The correct answer is:
You may check and correct your answers before submitting.