Medical-Fitness Technician
Course Textbook
As an SDA Health & Fitness Professional who is training SDA students in a therapeutic lifestyle course, you need to have an adequate knowledge base of the Adventist Health Message, and you need to exemplify those principles consistently in your daily life. So as part of your course requirement, you will study "Medical Ministry," which is a compilation of E.G. White's counsels for medical missionary work.
Instructions: Schedule 30 minutes per day for devotional reading, preferably in the early morning. Read 1 Chapter per day and use the Chapter Quiz to test your understanding. Be sure to pray before each study and reflect on the message afterwards. Try to keep your thoughts on the message throughout the day and watch for opportunities to apply the lessons in your daily life.
Medical Ministry
Title Page
1. Healing Power and Its Source
2. The Divine Plan in the Medical Missionary Work
3. The Christian Physician and His Work
4. Our Medical College
5. Warning Against Spiritistic Sophistry
6. True and False Systems of Mind Cure
7. Fees and Wages
8. Counsels and Cautions
9. The Management of Sanitariums
10. Opportunities for Ministry In Hospitals and Sanitariums
11. The Sanitarium Family
12. The Prevention of Disease and Its Cure by Rational Methods
13. Medical Missionary Work and the Gospel Ministry
14. Teaching Health Principles
15. Diet and Health
16. The Worker's Health
17. Medical Missionary Work in the Great Cities
18. Extent of the Work
1. Healing Power and Its Source
2. The Divine Plan in the Medical Missionary Work
3. The Christian Physician and His Work
4. Our Medical College
5. Warning Against Spiritistic Sophistry
6. True and False Systems of Mind Cure
7. Fees and Wages
8. Counsels and Cautions
9. The Management of Sanitariums
10. Opportunities for Ministry In Hospitals and Sanitariums
11. The Sanitarium Family
12. The Prevention of Disease and Its Cure by Rational Methods
13. Medical Missionary Work and the Gospel Ministry
14. Teaching Health Principles
15. Diet and Health
16. The Worker's Health
17. Medical Missionary Work in the Great Cities
18. Extent of the Work