Med-Fit Tech Assistant
Medical-Fitness Assessment - Learning Module #6
Module 6 Lab - Optional
You will get plenty of practice and real-life experience during your Field Practicum at a local Med-Fit Clinic regarding Anthropometrics, but if you want to practice in advance what you have just studied, follow the instructions below as closely as possible.
- Print the Anthropometric Lab materials linked below. (You may want to print the charts (page 2) in color on heavier paper or card stock and have it laminated.)
- Contact 1-3 local friends or relatives who are somewhat overweight and tell each one that you are taking a course to become a certified Medical-Fitness Technician or Med-Fit Tech Assistant.
- Ask each person if you could practice the skills for your Anthropometrics Lab on them (individually), i.e., measure their height, weight, and waist circumference, calculate the health risk indicators, and interpret the results.
- If you do not have access to a height or weight scale, you may record your participant's self-reported value, but be sure to practice measuring your participants' waist circumference, calculating their WHtR, and using the charts correctly and proficiently.
If you have a particular interest in Nutrition for facilitating healthy weight loss and improving body composition, you may want to take the OptiHealth Institute course for becoming a certified Therapeutic Lifestyle Coach in addition to your Med-Fit certification. The Medical-Fitness Technician courses focus almost exclusively on exercise and fitness.