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Medical-Fitness Assessment - Module #8A -Quiz
Muscle Fitness
Leg Fitness Quiz
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1. The Squat Test for Leg Muscle Fitness is a 3-minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) during which the participant tries to perform as many squats as possible (to the best of his/her ability) until the time runs out.
A. True
B. False
1. The correct answer is:
2. Which muscles does the squat exercise mainly target?
A. The Gluteus Maximus
B. The Rectus Abdominus
C. The Quadriceps Femoris
D. The Latissimus Dorsi
Mark all that apply.
2. The correct answer is:
A & C
3. To maintain the lumbar curve while performing a squat, the participant needs to:
A. Look down or over the shoulder to check it.
B. Rely on the trainer to inform him/her.
C. Keep his/her chest up.
D. Always use a mirror.
3. The correct answer is:
4. A squat is considered to be full-depth when:
A. The knees reach 45 degrees of flexion
B. The knees reach 60 degrees of flexion
C. The knees reach 75 degrees of flexion
D. The knees reach 90 degrees of flexion (The thighs are parallel to the floor.)
4. The correct answer is:
5. If a participant completes 136 squats in 3 minutes, what is his/her Raw Rep Score?
A. 113.3
B. 133.1
C. 100.0 (maximum score)
D. Need more information
5. The correct answer is:
6. If you grade a participant's performance on their Squat Test to be a B, what percent deduction do you apply to their Raw Rep Score to get their Leg Fitness Score?
A. 0% deduction
B. 10% deduction
C. 25% deduction
D. 50% deduction
6. The correct answer is:
7. If your participant can not perform even 1 half-squat, you should call "911" immediately.
A. True
B. False
7. The correct answer is:
You may check and correct your answers before submitting.