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7. Stuffing
"Learn to deal with your emotions, or else they will deal with you."
-- Common Proverb
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1. Emotionalism (letting your emotions get the worst of you, particularly anger) is dangerous and harmful.
A. True
B. False
1. The correct answer is:
2. Emotional regulation is an indicator of mental health.
A. True
B. False
2. The correct answer is:
3. Emotional stuffing is a form of proper emotional regulation.
A. True
B. False
3. The correct answer is:
4. Stuffing our emotions in the short-term during a crisis can be helpful, but if we continue to stuff our emotions in the long-term, it will cause a crises and is very harmful.
A. True
B. False
4. The correct answer is:
5. The healthy replacement behavior for stuffing is:
A. Immediate self-gratification
B. Mind and mood-altering drugs
C. Appropriate emotional expression
5. The correct answer is:
6. Which of the following are key points for learning how to express your emotions appropriately?
A. Be more aware of your emotions
B. Expand your emotional vocabulary
C. Acknowledge the way you feel
D. Recognize your "danger" emotions
E. Deal with your "danger" emotions before trying to deal with the bigger problem
Mark all that apply.
6. The correct answer is:
A - E
7. Which of the following are "danger" emotions for most people?
A. Hungry
B. Angry
C. Lonely
D. Tired
Mark all that apply.
7. The correct answer is:
A, B, C, D
8. In a stressful situation, people will understand if you verbally attack them, and then blame them as the source of the stress.
A. True
B. False
8. The correct answer is:
9. What happens when you simply acknowledge the way you feel during a stressful situation?
A. Your stress response decreases
B. Your sense of control increases
C. Your ability to take responsibilty increases
Mark all that apply.
9. The correct answer is:
A, B, C
10. Which of the following are important steps to express your emotions appropriately, instead of stuffing or emotionalism?
A. Facts - State the facts about a situation
B. Feelings - Admit your emotions about the situation
C. Follow-through - Respectfully ask the other person to do something differently
Mark all that apply.
10. The correct answer is:
A, B, C
11. Healthy emotional regulation (the ability to express your emotions appropriately) results in a greater sense of:
A. Self-Mastery
B. Peace
C. Freedom
D. Loving others
E. Being loved by others
Mark all that apply.
11. The correct answer is:
A - E
You may check and correct your answers before submitting.