Therapeutic Lifestyle Certificate
Student Orientation
As a student and future alumnus of the OptiHealth Institute, you are entrusted to set a good example and to serve others, because OptiHealth is:
Our Promise To Integrate
Health Education And Lifestyle Therapies Honestly
Health Education And Lifestyle Therapies Honestly
Q: Into what do we "integrate" our health education and lifestyle therapies?
A: Into the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is:
The good news that Jesus saves and heals us by empowering us to follow God's moral and natural laws.
A: Into the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is:
The good news that Jesus saves and heals us by empowering us to follow God's moral and natural laws.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we believe the Bible is the holy word of God, and we strive to follow its clear teachings on how to achieve and maintain optimal health (John 10:10) and share God's love and goodness with others (Luke 10:37).
We believe the purpose of our lives is to live (physical), learn (mental), and love (spiritual) by the faith of Jesus, filled with the power of His Holy Spirit, and doing all for the glory of God our Creator.
We believe Christianity is more than a belief system; it's a relationship and a lifestyle with that belief system in action and in accordance with Bible principles. It is a practical religion that partakes of the divine nature and demonstrates by faith that real health and true happiness results only from a consecrated life in Christ.
As our personal relationships with Christ have allowed us to experience the wonderful truth in healing and salvation, we commit to a healthful Christian lifestyle and offer ourselves in self-sacrificing service to God for our ongoing sanctification and for the saving of souls (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
The three statements and related Bible verses linked below describe the process of our individual and complete consecration to Christ, and how each of us are to live, learn, and love when serving God and bringing glory to Him by serving others.
We believe the purpose of our lives is to live (physical), learn (mental), and love (spiritual) by the faith of Jesus, filled with the power of His Holy Spirit, and doing all for the glory of God our Creator.
We believe Christianity is more than a belief system; it's a relationship and a lifestyle with that belief system in action and in accordance with Bible principles. It is a practical religion that partakes of the divine nature and demonstrates by faith that real health and true happiness results only from a consecrated life in Christ.
As our personal relationships with Christ have allowed us to experience the wonderful truth in healing and salvation, we commit to a healthful Christian lifestyle and offer ourselves in self-sacrificing service to God for our ongoing sanctification and for the saving of souls (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
The three statements and related Bible verses linked below describe the process of our individual and complete consecration to Christ, and how each of us are to live, learn, and love when serving God and bringing glory to Him by serving others.