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4. Withdrawal
"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty."
Mother Teresa
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1. Taking some "personal time" is a good thing. Everyone needs a little bit of personal time.
A. True
B. False
1. The correct answer is:
2. Taking too much "personal time," in the form of withdrawal, is problematic when it becomes a pattern, especially if that pattern is caused by unresolved conflict in the relationship.
A. True
B. False
2. The correct answer is:
3. Humans are social creatures wired for relationships, created by a relational God made in His image.
A. True
B. False
3. The correct answer is:
4. Which of the following are essential to support life?
A. Air
B. Water
C. Food
D. Sunlight
E. Exercise
F. Relationships
Mark all that apply.
4. The correct answer is:
A - F
5. When we don't have relationships, we suffer:
A. Poverty
B. Ignorance
C. Loneliness
5. The correct answer is:
6. Loneliness is associated with:
A. 50% higher mortality rates
B. Mortality rates equal to smoking
C. Mortality rates 2x higher than obesity
D. Impaired immune function
E. Sub-clinical systemic inflammation
F. Type 2 Diabetes
G. Heart Disease
H. Arthritis
6. The correct answer is:
A - H
7. Over the past 30 years, loneliness has:
A. Decreased 30%
B. Stayed essentially the same
C. Increased 40%
7. The correct answer is:
8. Who experiences the most loneliness?
A. 18-34 year olds
B. 35-49 year olds
C. 50-69 year olds
D. 70+ year olds
What age group?
8. The correct answer is:
9. Those who are more connected via social media tend to be less connected in actual personal reltionships.
A. True
B. False
9. The correct answer is:
10. Most people are good at friend making, but have more difficulty in friend keeping.
A. True
B. False
10. The correct answer is:
11. The reason that we have difficulty keeping friends is because we don't have good conflict-resolution (relationship-repair) skills.
A. True
B. False
11. The correct answer is:
12. The healthy replacement behavior for withdrawal is:
A. Stonewalling
B. Divorce
C. Repair
12. The correct answer is:
13. Which of the following are "Love Languages?"
A. Affirmative Words
B. Quality Time
C. Receiving Gifts
D. Acts of Service
E. Physical Touch
Mark all that apply.
13. The correct answer is:
A - E
14. Creating an environment through kindness, generosity, and unselfish love, so that the other person is receptive to the repair attempt, determines its success.
A. True
B. False
14. The correct answer is:
15. Another important skill in conflict resolution is saying:
A. "I'm right!"
B. "I don't care."
C. "I'm sorry."
15. The correct answer is:
16. Which of the following are key points in conflict resolution?
A. Simply say, "I'm sorry."
B. Take responsibility for what you did to cause the problem
C. Don't focus on the other person's responsibility
D. Focus on your own responsibility and do things differently
E. Give the other person space to take responsibility for what they did and to do things differently on their terms
F. Always accept a genuine apology
16. The correct answer is:
A - F
17. Developing effective conflict-resolution (relationship-repair) skills will enable you to move your relationship into the deeper layers of intimacy, rather than withdrawing from it completely.
A. True
B. False
17. The correct answer is:
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